Required Reading

Teens Are Lonelier Than Ever, But Parents and Churches Can Help
“So, what can parents and churches do to help our teenagers navigate this increasingly lonely world?”

What Are Today’s Teens Seeking and How Can They Find Answers at Your Church?
And another article for those of us trying to parent or understand teens.

Aging and Finishing Well
And at the other end of the scale for our older readers.

“As I’ve grown older, I’ve become better at taking care of the temple God has given me. By definition, health is total physical, mental, social, and spiritual well-being. Sitting back and not taking control of the body God has given me is simply not an option for me anymore. In other words, healthy aging begins with taking care of yourself, as Paul assumes we all do with our bodies (Eph. 5:28-30). It has now been four years since I began this exciting journey, and not only do I feel great but I’m actually improving my physique. I am living proof that anybody at any age can become their own health advocate and take charge of their fitness and physical well-being (which are all gifts of the Lord to begin with). You are never too old to start weight-training or to begin your own exercise routine.”

Parenting Q and A with Chap
Q & A podcast with Chap Bettis, author of The Disciple Making Parent.

The Task and Tools of the Daddy-Theologian
“My hope is to arm daddy-theologians everywhere with an array of ammunition deployable in the fight against the kingdom of darkness. Make no mistake about it, though it be but bedtime and bath time, you are in a war. Satan hates your family and is aggressively and actively seeking to devour them for his dark and nefarious purposes.”

Together in Bed, Apart in Soul: Four Steps to Spiritual Intimacy
“Just as many couples take time to learn how to serve one another emotionally or physically, it takes time to learn one another spiritually (no matter how long you’ve been together). It may be bumpy at first, but you can be more than roommates. Daily plodding, daily seeking. You can’t go back in time, but you can begin where you are. For my wife and me, this meant starting to spend meaningful time together in the word (from 20 to 45 minutes) multiple times per week.”

Lies & Sex
“When it comes to the realm of sexual morality, the battle between truth and lies rages around and within us. In last Sunday’s sermon on the end of 1 Corinthians 6, our church family explored several of the most common and attractive lies whispered to us frequently. The goal of that sermon and this post is to help us to spot the lies and rejoice in the goodness of God’s plan for us.”

Self-Denial ≠ Self-Destruction: When Do I Leave My Job?
Many of us have asked this question:

“My work environment is difficult, defined by unhappy colleagues, poor management, and weak/mistrusted leadership. I enjoy some of the work I do, but I don’t feel it’s an opportunity unique to this place. My current job situation is draining me, emotionally and otherwise, but I know God doesn’t just call us to easy, happy-go-lucky things. I’m just having a hard time discerning whether God wants me to dig in here and pursue purpose in less-than-ideal circumstances, or if the challenges stacking up might be his way of revealing he has something else for me. How do I determine whether I should stay put or pursue something else?”