You are a Christian man who wants to be all that God wants you to be but you don’t know exactly what God wants you to be.

You want to become a Christ-like leader in your home, in your workplace, and in your church. But you don’t know how to get there.

You’re not short on the general biblical principles about what it means to be a man, a father, a husband, etc. But you are very short of concrete, practical, step-by-step instruction.

I hear you. I’ve met many young men like you. You’re longing for answers to the question, “But what do I do?” “What steps do I take?”

I want to answer that question and supply that need in the Christian Man Academy videos.


These videos will be practical. You will get short, sharp, practical to the point instruction on what it means to be a Christian man and a Christian leader. I’ll take one subject per video and boil it down to the simplest, shortest, most practical, concrete teaching possible. And if you want to take it further, I’ll be giving you further reading suggestions in the weekly email for subscribers.


These videos will be holistic. We will lay a spiritual foundation, but we will also be looking at the physical, the intellectual, the emotional, the relational, the vocational, and the financial. The soul, the body, the emotions, the mind, relationships, money, work, technology, administration, and so on. We want to develop and grow the whole man.


These videos will be personal. I’m going to be sharing from my own life experience, what I’ve seen work in my own life and in other men’s lives.

Which brings me to the question: “Why should you listen to me? What are my qualifications for teaching on this subject?” First, I’m a man, have been for 52 years. Second, I’m a Christian man. I’ve been a Christian for thirty years. I’ve been a husband for 28 years, I’ve been a father for 22 years with five kids ranging from 22 to five years old (including three sons aged 22, 21, and 5). I’ve been a pastor for 23 years. I’ve been involved in training young men for the ministry for 16 years. I’ve taught leadership courses for 11 years. I’ve counseled hundreds of young men and I teach a Sunday School class made up of junior and senior High School kids.

Action: Enroll In the Academy

So, I know you, I know your world, I know your challenges and struggles. But I also know what you can be. I have a great vision of young Christian men being transformed into Christ-like, strong, gentle servant-leaders who are respected, admired, trusted, and followed at home, in the workplace, and in the church.

Enroll today by subscribing to the Christian Man Academy YouTube channel or by signing up for the weekly email newsletter. The newsletter will send you the most recent videos plus bonus material, articles, and further reading suggestions. I look forward to learning with you in the Christian Man Academy.

Discussion Questions

1. What are some of the problems and challenges you are facing as a Christian man in our culture?

2. Where do you see your greatest need of teaching and training? What are you doing to fix that?

3. Who is your “ideal” Christian man? What do you admire about him?

Further Reading

The Masculine Mandate: God’s Calling to Men by Richard Phillips.
What Every Man Wishes His Father Had Told Him by Byron Yawn
The Meaning of Marriage by Tim Keller
The Shepherd Leader at Home by Timothy Witmer